Caprese Pizza
Hey there! Long time, no see! And why is that, you ask? Well, because I’m lazy. And to be honest, I haven’t really been making anything worth blogging lately. There have been a couple of things here and there that have made me say, “Oh! I should have blogged this!” but nothing too fancy. But this time…this pizza…it deserves to be delivered to the masses. “The masses” being the maybe eight people that read this blog haha.
I love caprese anything. Tomatoes, basil, mozzarella cheese, and olive oil? How can that not sound good? Just a couple of simple ingredients and you have delicousness. So, here I give you, caprese pizza.
The music: None this time as I was watching re-runs of The Vampire Diaries. Vampires love pizza…it’s a fact…trust me.
The drink: Not coffee! Believe it or not, it was water this time.
Ingredients for the noms:
Olive oil
5 tomatoes (I used ‘on the vine’ tomatoes but use whatever looks good that day)
A couple of handfuls of fresh basil
Approx. 2 ½ cloves of garlic
A homemade or store bought pizza crust (Yeah, I used a Pilsbury one this time…sue me)
1 ¾ c. mozzarella cheese (The cheese opted to not have its picture taken today)
Preheat the oven to 425. Slice the tomatoes, not too thick, not too thin and place them on some paper towels while you work on everything else. This will help soak up the excess liquid so that the crust won’t be soggy.
Spread the dough out onto a greased baking sheet. And let me add, this can that the crust came in…scared the CRAP out of me! Why must they pop the way they do!? Stupid pop cans.
Give the basil a rough chop. No need to be perfect here.

Grate the garlic cloves. You could mince them if you’d like but I think using a grater makes the garlic easier to spread.
Drizzle the olive oil over the crust, then spread it out along with the garlic.
Add the tomatoes, then the basil. Finally sprinkle the cheese that finally decided to crawl out of the dark and have its picture taken on top.
Bake for 10 minutes. I had done 12 and ended up with some browning…which is ok too. And viola, a delicious, beautiful pizza. PS: This pizza is very good with some red wine (but then again, what isn't good with some wine?).
Hope you like it!!
nom nom nom nom *want some now*