“Honeyyyy, are you making corned beef and cabbage?” -- Words spoken to me by my husband the night before St. Patrick’s Day. To which I responded, “Of course. I do every year.” This is something he really looks forward to, so I don’t mind doing it. But when he asked, “Are you going to put it on your blog too?”…I groaned.
See, corned beef and cabbage is one of those things that is just…there…to me. I buy stuff, cut it up, and throw it in the crock-pot. Not a huge deal. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, it’s not pretty, it’s simple. But after being told by three people that I’d better post it, I conceded.
The music: “Devil’s Dance Floor” and “Drunken Lullabies” by: Flogging Molly (appropriate for St. Patrick’s Day, don’t you think?)
The drink: While you’re probably thinking that I partook in green beer, or a Guinness, or perhaps even a Bailey’s Irish Cream….alas, my drink of choice was a simple Diet Pepsi.
So here we have, rightfully named (as it is sooooo easy), Half-Arsed Corned Beef and Cabbage:
1 - 4lb corned beef brisket (or bigger or smaller if you so choose)
1 medium head of cabbage
4 or 5 medium sized carrots (peeled and cut)
5 small to medium white potatoes

Wash the potatoes and quarter them, depending on their size. If they’re small enough, just halve them. (And yes, dear hubby, that is the evil blue knife that I nearly chopped my thumb off with just last week. Ok, not quite that bad…but it still hurt!)
After picking out the best looking carrots in the bunch (yes, only the sexy ones here) and peeling them, give ‘em a rough chop. It doesn’t have to be perfect….
Wedge the head of cabbage….. (yeah, that’s all I’ve got for here)
Put the potatoes and carrots in the bottom of the crock pot with the meat on top and the cabbage surrounding the meat (I also rinsed the meat off beforehand, just because that’s how I roll). If you want, you can add the seasoning packet that usually comes with corned beef…which I did….
Fill the crock pot with water so that it covers the meat (at least for the most part) and put a lid on it. Turn the crock pot on high for about 4 hours.
And viola…. Half-Arsed Corned Beef Cabbage and a very happy Irish hubby…
And here’s a quick hello from the leprechaun my oldest son drew. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Oooh I love all the pics (esp the Yankees hat and the Leprechaun)
ReplyDeleteLooks so good as always! <3